storykeeping for doulas
DONA workshop landing page
where do i go from here?
first of all, thank you so much for your interest in my workshop offering, "storykeeping for doulas: cultivating radical listening presence" at the 2024 DONA summit! as a birthworker, chaplain, and educator, it's my great joy to be able both to share what i know and to continue to learn from others. i wish we could have shared physical space, and i'm simultaneously glad that virtual options are able to open up attendance to a much wider audience and to tend to some of the equity issues inherent in in-person conferencing.
you have arrived here either from a link or a qr code, and it's important to know that this page is hidden from my main menu (because it's just for you!), so you'll need the link/code, your browser history, or your search engine's autocomplete to navigate back here.
because folks often ask after short talks "how can i learn more? where do i go from here?", i wanted to let you know what's out there to help you deepen your storykeeping skills and presence.
ways to go deeper
storykeeping offerings
the whole course
i've partnered with hive ce to offer a DONA-approved, online, asynchronous, full-monty course for doulas called "trauma-informed storykeeping for doulas". while the skills and concepts i covered in the workshop are a small part of the material, this course is over 5 hours of content, plus resources, handouts, and guidance on skill practice. if you want to know ALL THE THINGS!, you'll find them here.
facilitated fish-bowls
anyone who completes the online course will be eligible to join virtual practice groups for storykeeping called "fishbowls" (when you take the course, you'll find out why). if you're interested in facilitated practice to hone your skills of active listening, radical presence, and story stewardship, reach out to me after you've completed the online course. there's a minimum of three committed people needed to build a fishbowl, and the time commitment is once a month for one year.
in-person retreats
i'm offering an in-person, non-residential retreat at birth roots in portland, maine in december. check out the event for more details and connect via the facebook page. this deep-dive experiential retreat is mobile, meaning that if you're interested in talking about bringing it to your local community, all you have to do is reach out to me. i'm booking 2025 dates currently.
tell me your story
oftentimes, what comes up for people when we talk about narrative stewardship for others is awareness of a deep, unmet need in ourselves to find a safe place to tell OUR stories. if you're hunting for a storykeeper of your own, or if you need a processing companion for your personal or professional work, just book chaplaincy time with me. this time is offered on a wide, equity-based sliding scale starting at $20 an hour.
please reach out and connect!
if you have any questions, feedback, or just want to reach out and say hi, please message me here.